合肥筑安科技有限公司是一家专注于VR+安全教育的品牌。我们将VR、AR等虚拟仿真技术与教育培训结合,研发展馆、体验馆相关的多媒体产品,为各类企事业单位提供安全科普教育解决方案。 我们的业务涉及数字孪生、党建文化、科普教育、展览展示等领域,是数字多媒体领域的服务专家。我们的目标是通过VR\AR技术为百业赋能,用定制化解决方案为客户提供一体化服务。 公司于2022年获得国家高新技术企业认定,拥有软件著作权、专利等30余件。目前总部运营中心设立在合肥市包河区互联网产业园,另有生产车间500平方。团队人员包括:研发、设计、生产、销售、施工等各类专业人才,年产值逾千万。 我们以客户需求为导向,从研发、设计、施工、人员培训等方面着手,提供一体化服务。我们的产品广泛应用于建筑、消防、校园等领域的安全教育与安全培训方向,致力于成为行业领导者。 欢迎您了解更多关于我们的信息,让我们一起为安全教育事业贡献力量! VR Security Experience Hall AIRCOURSE(AN KE SHI) is a brand that focuses on VR+safety education. We combine virtual simulation technologies such as VR and AR with education and training, develop multimedia products related to exhibition halls and experience halls, and provide safety education solutions for various enterprises and institutions. Our business involves fields such as digital twins, party building culture, popular science education, exhibitions and exhibitions, and we are service experts in the field of digital multimedia. Our goal is to empower Baiye through VR/AR technology and provide integrated services to customers with customized solutions. The company was recognized as a national high-tech enterprise in 2021 and has over 30 software copyrights, patents, and other related properties. At present, the headquarters operation center is located in the Internet Industrial Park in Baohe District, Hefei City, with an additional production workshop of 500 square meters. The team members include various professional talents in research and development, design, production, sales, construction, etc., with an annual output value of over ten million. We are customer-oriented and provide integrated services from research and development, design, construction, personnel training, and other aspects. Our products are widely used in safety education and training in fields such as architecture, fire protection, and campus, committed to becoming industry leaders. Welcome to learn more about us and let us contribute to the cause of safety education together!